Sunday 9 October 2011

Absent Tea Note

I'm sorry we have all been gone for so long,
i won't lie.. harry and i did get other blogs.. but it's not important- im here now :)
So yesterday was my (JEM)'s sweet sixteenth birthday and i after i got up, sat on mum and dads
bed opening presants the doorbell rang, and harry and holiday were there!

AT my house, bearing hugs and gifts!
AND HOLIDAY found the owl :) and harry wrote me the most amazing letter in the world :)
There is a problem, we have all been REALLY REALLY BUSY
and i have seans formal on saturday, then we have exams on monday! :(
So we will have lots to talk about next time :)

ALSO we are thinking of getting the band back into action :) wooohooo we'll keep you posted :)
anyway im sorry we've been gone for so long, this is not a promise that i've/ we've returned our faith in posting on this blog, but we will put in more of an effort because I LOVE YOU in all seriousness :)


Thankyou. i love you. have a good last day of holidays (i have to do a study course, thanks mum)

Monday 19 September 2011

People only see what we choose to show

I'm in a really... I don't know what adjective to use, but i'm in a mood. Not a bad one, but just.. a mood. You know? And this post will be really deep so be warned.. Sorry if it's awkward, but i have a lot to say.  Basically, i've been doing an essay about judgements.. good and bad. And its just made me so inspired/ fired up about the whole prejudice judgement thing that I felt like I needed to write something. So, in advance, sorry for the awkward post, and sorry for posting twice in a row.. I'm such a hypocrite! 

The first thing I want to say is, please be yourself. Don't be that fake smiley person who is friends with everyone and whose life is perfect; be realistic. Be as nice as you can, treat people with respect and you will be loved by those who matter. I want to get something into your heads; in 99.9 percent of cases, not everyone is going to like you. If you're wonderfully pretty and smart and nice, there will be at least one person who resents you for that. If you're angry or sad all the time, there will be at least one person who dislikes you for that. Do you see where I'm heading? 

Please don't waste your life trying to be perfect. I'm only young, but I already know that there is so much more to people than being the prettiest, the skinniest, the smartest. You are who you are. I know that's lame, but it's so true. 

I think good old Johnny is right. We need to celebrate our individuality! So what if Sally gets drunk on Saturday nights, if Rachel likes girls, if Lisa likes to study.. SO WHAT!! Let them be! Seriously, they are probably doing what they do for a reason. Unless you or anybody you know is being hurt or harmed, please leave these people alone. Don't spread rumours and don't pass judgements.

I love this quote.. It's true on so many levels. I don't like toying with peoples minds, so I don't personally do this, but one day I would love to meet some new people and act like a complete fool- like how I act when i'm alone with my friends, and see what they think of me. I think it'd be really interesting to see what they do. And the sad, sad thing about this is, if I met somebody who was just being super weird and uncool, although I wouldn't voice it, I would probably be a little weirded out. I would make judgements. The worst thing is, I don't think anybody can help but judge people based on first impressions. I think we all need to try a little harder to get to know people.

My English teacher to me is one of the most amazing women in the world. That sounds gay, but everyone in my class will agree, everything she says just makes sense.. She has the best opinions and gives us advice and see's all of our potential even though sometimes we fall behind. She said something to us a few weeks ago that really stuck with me.. She was talking about how in the summer when she was younger she went to the beach and every morning she would carefully pick out what swimmers to wear and think about her hair and her tan and all of these things, and then when she got to the beach she had an epiphany and realised... nobody cared. And we were all kind of like.. what? And then she elaborated. She said, and i know this will make some people angry, but she said that people are just so absorbed and wrapped up in thoughts about themselves that they actually don't have time to notice the things that you worry about in your head. Just think about it. How many times do you think, "wow, i look super ugly today". I personally do it all the time.. So i'll do my hair nice or something to disguise my "ugliness", but now i realise, everyone else probably has little worries like this every morning, and because we're all so worried about those little things, nobody gives a damn about anybody else's little worries.. Does this all make sense? So in the long run, it actually doesn't matter what you look like, or what you're wearing, because under our clothes we're all naked, and under our nakedness, we all have hearts and bones. We're all people, and we all have worries, but honestly, ninety percent of us are all going to look heinous when we're eight five, so why does it matter? 

All in all; be yourself, don't judge unless somebody is genuinely just an asshole, and stop worrying about little things, because they just don't matter! Nothing actually matters except that you all need to be happy with yourself, because you all are wonderful, lovely, beautiful people :)


Friday 16 September 2011

the highway that is my brain

Yoo. I'm doing a picture post cause i've been going through my photos/ photos that i think are cool that are saved on my computer and organising everything. This is what is currently inspiring me/ what i wish my life was like.

Really diggin; skinny love- bon iver, crosses- jose gonzalez and not in love- crystal castles. 
Peace out bitches


Wednesday 14 September 2011

deep deep down

i am really feeling the need to post right now.
not because i am being forced into it by jem and harry, or because i've only posted twice. just because :)

im feeling like i should be deep, so this is strange for me but here goes...

well, started the night home alone pretending to myslef that i would work.
as if! instead i went onto facebook properly for like the first time in years and by properly i mean talking to people which is something that i generally can't do.

i talked to one of my friends about our crazy plan for hot boddies, i talked to this guy that used to make me cry every night (so why did i talk to him???), i talked to a really good friend about her bad day and how someone she thought was her 'bffl' had shut her down and another special friend i talked to told me about how her mum is pushing her too hard,  another guy i talked to about nothing particular but 'nothing in particular' lasted us a while. he gave me this link that i wet my pants at though so to take a break with my nonexistant deepness...

and one girl gave me a link to her blog where she had written a post about me. i didnt quite make it to the end before i burst into tears. not bad tears. happy tears. because what she said made me feel so good and warm and fuzzy that i had to cry. i have honestly never heard anything like what she said. i am actually keeping that forever because i am not lying when i say that that post is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me or done for me and anything <3

and that kind of sounds like i am being one of those "i have no friends so i will try to make people feel sorry for me by crying over the nice things that people do because its 'soooooo' uncommon". no way, i have amazing friends and i love them so so so so so so so so so much it HURTS but this really was special :)

it was funny though, how stupid i felt, behind a screen, typing some deep message, to another screen, no matter who was going to read it.

sometimes i really feel like i was born into the wrong time. i dont have a phone that works and when it comes to computers im absolutely lost.

sometimes i just think that i will one day wake up and this will all have been a dream, a dream within a dream and i will actually be elizabeth bennet in ballrooms, dancing with mr darcy, giggling with her little sisters and falling in love. i think i could do that :)

Sunday 11 September 2011

Everybody's lookin foward to the weekend... or not?

YO YO YOOOOOOOOO! Wow, i have missed this so much. So you heard from Jem about our fabulous weekend, but i'mma give y'all the storyline... THROUGH SONG! Cause i'm gay, and thats how i roll.

So we're all super excited cause it's friday, friday and we can party and party and YEAH!

... But not me and jem. We're sitting there like unripe devocado's because we knew we had to do a swim teaching course the next day from 9-5:30. BUT WE HAD NO IDEA HOW BAD IT WAS GOING TO BE.

But we knew that we had so much to look foward to on Saturday night night. Even though we were sad Holiday couldn't come, Jem and i were gon' get sliz (so cool, right?).. just the two of us :)

Unfortunately, me and Jem's relationship has nowhere near as much sexual tension as this song. Anyway, we sat there for 6 hours learning about how to run a swimming business...

And then we got in the pool for some reason that i don't care to remember, and went back into the classroom for.. wait for it... MORE THEORY!! YAYA!! So me and Jem were all like...

And then, we WERE FREE!!!

So we get home and wait... guess what the first thing we do is? THE FRICKEN HOMEWORK THEY GAVE US GOD DAMMIT ISNT 8 HOURS ENOUGH!!

AND THEEENNNN we got dressed up like Effy from skins and..

Then we listened to this hilariously amazing dubstep

And we used this bad boy to dance (if you have epilepsy definitely don't watch this..)

And it roCkEd. Get drunk with friends.. lifes short. But don't become an alcoholic cause thats just stupid.. And then Sunday was back to the pool, nothing spesh, no songs to show as it was as long and horrible as Saturday, except.. Sunday was 9/11 which was meant to be my Death Day because every day i look at the clock on 9:11 and i seriously thought i was dead meat but I'M ALIVE YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH! Okay, gotta go this post is way too long.
ILY all, hope your weekend was a million times better than ours cause it SUCKED. 



Guys, hello, i am so tired i can barely think..
this weekend..
Harry and i did a swim course from 9-5:30 both days,
first day we did laps and swimming and FROZE TO DEATH then sat in a COLD classroom and had lectures and took notes and stuff (so so so fun.. sarcasm..) THEN on saturday night we were both very high on life and we actually had alot of funn <3 BUT getting up thismorning ready to do another fun filled 8 hours.. was hell, we felt so sick and tired and sore :/ BUT WE DID and we had to plan and execute a training session  for adults (being assessed), do some laps, do an exam and then listen to lectures etc in a classroom SO WE DIDN'T really have a weekend at all and we are both insanely tired.. but its worth it i think :)

SO, let's let jem post some eye candy so she doesn;t have to think.. good idea..

 AARON JOHNSON, THIS IS MEANT TO MOVE.. HE IS SMOKING AND LOOKS SEXY check this out if you want to see it PROPERLY, i dont know how to upload moving crap :/



 I have a not so secret obsession with hands.. i fall in love with people's hands before i fall in love with them.. if they have good hands.. its a good start :) this photo would keep me intrigued for hours.. i actually love it..

... This is true.. but i'm not so worried about it, when/if it happens i will kinda feel happy that you realised there was better out there, but until you do realise IM NOT TELLING YOU :) (yeah.. hey sean) 

My fortune... that's not in the future tense, and its a lie


Biggest trust? this is the ex.. birthday sex remix. Enough said. 

                                                    On the set of friends.. Central Perk :)
                                           Hawaii- Casual sunrise surf :)
                                          Napaul <3
Trust Queenwood.. 

Riding one a sleigh.. in minus 20*.. not as glamourous as it sounds :P 


Sleep well guys, i am DEAD so i sure will :)
Hope you had more of a weekend than i did 
xxx JEM