Sunday 11 September 2011

Everybody's lookin foward to the weekend... or not?

YO YO YOOOOOOOOO! Wow, i have missed this so much. So you heard from Jem about our fabulous weekend, but i'mma give y'all the storyline... THROUGH SONG! Cause i'm gay, and thats how i roll.

So we're all super excited cause it's friday, friday and we can party and party and YEAH!

... But not me and jem. We're sitting there like unripe devocado's because we knew we had to do a swim teaching course the next day from 9-5:30. BUT WE HAD NO IDEA HOW BAD IT WAS GOING TO BE.

But we knew that we had so much to look foward to on Saturday night night. Even though we were sad Holiday couldn't come, Jem and i were gon' get sliz (so cool, right?).. just the two of us :)

Unfortunately, me and Jem's relationship has nowhere near as much sexual tension as this song. Anyway, we sat there for 6 hours learning about how to run a swimming business...

And then we got in the pool for some reason that i don't care to remember, and went back into the classroom for.. wait for it... MORE THEORY!! YAYA!! So me and Jem were all like...

And then, we WERE FREE!!!

So we get home and wait... guess what the first thing we do is? THE FRICKEN HOMEWORK THEY GAVE US GOD DAMMIT ISNT 8 HOURS ENOUGH!!

AND THEEENNNN we got dressed up like Effy from skins and..

Then we listened to this hilariously amazing dubstep

And we used this bad boy to dance (if you have epilepsy definitely don't watch this..)

And it roCkEd. Get drunk with friends.. lifes short. But don't become an alcoholic cause thats just stupid.. And then Sunday was back to the pool, nothing spesh, no songs to show as it was as long and horrible as Saturday, except.. Sunday was 9/11 which was meant to be my Death Day because every day i look at the clock on 9:11 and i seriously thought i was dead meat but I'M ALIVE YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH! Okay, gotta go this post is way too long.
ILY all, hope your weekend was a million times better than ours cause it SUCKED. 


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