Wednesday 24 August 2011

A few weird questions

IT'S HARRIET... AGAIN!! I'm so excited right now because this is the first time ever that i have posted TWICE in a row.. jem and holiday; you're lagging, and i'm awesome. Anyway, i was going through the myspace i used to use 3 years ago and was reading through all of those bulletin quiz things, and i thought... i should totally do one right here right now! Sorry if it's boring :) And i want jem and holiday to do this too, so if you guys are reading this; DO IT! 

What do you think you can do but can't?
Surf.. skateboard.. play guitar.. be funny.  The list goes on and on.  

What's a difficult word for you to pronounce? 
Anemone.. it looks funny because i feel like i spelt it wrong, but it autocorrected to that.

What is a favorite TV show from your childhood?
Pokemon= the first 8 years of my childhood. And i kind of dug the Rugrats and Play school
What are your virtues and vices?
Totally don't know what that means. I just googled it and it apparently means things that you value and things you consider immoral... ? ... I value Brenton Thwaites and think that crocs are immoral. Onto the next question.

What's more important: love, fame, power, or money?
MONEEEEEEEY $ $ $ $. Totally kidding, spread the love y'all.

If you could live in any era/time period, when would it be and why?
Definately the 80's, because they had the best music ever.. And the Breakfast Club is my life!

If you had to redo your entire wardrobe with 2 stores, what would they be and why?
Supre and Target cause i'm a classy bitch. KIDDING, probably urban outfitters aaaand.. topshop! The one in London though, not the stupid Australian one.

Can you recall what you were doing a year ago on this day?
Definitely not.. probably doing homework, such a nerd.

Do you have recurring dreams? If so, explain? 
I have a lot of unintentional dreams of famous people being my boyfriend/ me being famous. And i have a lot of dreams about losing a friend who's really close to me and i wake up crying.. and i also have lots of dreams about one of my family members dying but i don't want to jinx it, so onto the next question.

What's your horoscope?
Aries! On the sims, i'm the one when the teddybear falls out of the sky.. Yay to nice people!

What does your dream bedroom look like?
It has to have lots of useless crap in it, otherwise i don't feel like i'm at home. It needs a piano and a vanity, and it needs big windows cause i hate dark rooms

What position do you sleep in?
On my back, pretty much like a log. Sometimes i get adventurous and slide into the foetal position

Who is your favorite vampire of all time?
Dracula? If you are expecting me to say Edward Cullen it's not gonna happen

What are you currently wearing on your feet?
My feet are currently naked

Do you have neat handwriting? Show us! 
Nope, my handwriting is disgusting. Cbf to take a picture, sorry!

What's a nickname only your family calls you? 
My family calls me 'H'. And mum calls me weird names like 'Cabbage' and 'My love', and dad calls me 'Bun' (used to be Bunny). Don't even ask..
What's a weird habit of yours? 
I hum and sing subconsciously.. A lot

Do you have any weird phobias? 
The only weird ones i can think of are my morbid fear of moths and my fear of being trapped in a tunnel underwater and not being able to get out. I guess the last one kind of crosses between a fear of drowning and claustrophobia. I'm scared of heights too but that's pretty common

What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone? 
Africa by Toto.. And Seasons of Love by Rent if your into musicals

What's one of your biggest pet peeves? 
I have a whole post on them, but my BIGGEST pet peeve which i failed to put on the list is when people crack their knuckles. IT'S SO GROSSSS AHH i actually can't deal with it

What's one of your nervous habits? 
I play with or look at my hands alot

What side of the bed do you sleep on? 
The left side, closest to my door

What was your first stuffed animal and it's name? 
It's a brown teddy bear i got when i was born.. i actually never named my toys so its nameless

What's the drink you always order at starbucks? 
Iced peppermint mocha.. yummmm

Which way do you face in the shower? 
I do 360's haaha, every part of my body needs equal amount of washing time

Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'? 
My eyebrows can do weird shit

What's your favorite comfort food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways? 
Tim tams

What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? 
I say 'legit' a lot. And i say 'definitely' where it's unnecessary .. Eg. I'm definitely cold right now

Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing? 
Pyjamas? Sometimes i'm a bit risque and sleep in my underwear

What did you used to wear that you thought was cool but now you realize it wasn't that hot?
Polo shirts and 3/4 length brown cargo pants. It really brought out my bob hair cut ;)

If anybody reading this has a blog, you should totally do this too and let me know and i'll read it! 
Have a fantastic day everyone :) 


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