Thursday 18 August 2011

Small insignificant words (Jem)

Words are so funny.. they can be all jumbled up into a meaningless sentences and when said by the wrong person, a word like love seems silly.. but when somebody takes a bundle of words and strings them together into a perfect sentence, they can be very powerful, beautiful and influential.
You would probably have heard before that a small meaningless word can make sombeody's day or chnage it in any way.. and it's true, what may take you a single extra phrase.. to take a couple of seconds in your life..and utter some seemingly meaningless words to someone and make their day, can infact make yours. 
It's the words that people do not need to say but do, which we remember.. those times when somebody holds their glance for a beat, and a trail of words follow, which we remember. 
I remeber when i was 8 i was singing under my breathe, and a girl in my class who i didn't know very well quietly commented that i had a nice voice.. and it still makes me happy thinking about it now (i know very lame.. but true)
So, maybe take the time to summon a word or two, to somebody you dont tend to notice too much.. and they might remember it too.. 

DID THAT SOUND LIKE A SCHOOL PRAYER TO YOU? i reread it.. and it did. 
ps, im part of a new "gang" called the koi club (fish..) wooo its not exclusive in the slightest, so YOU'RE IN :)

"What happened to sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. all we've got now is aids, crack and techno"

LUV YA JEM xxx (its so awkward like "singing out" on here.. just so you know :P) 


  1. that makes them the most significant words of all then :)

  2. Wow... those words are so significant.. thankyou ;)
    You're a cutie <3
